On September 27th, 2020, "Dig into the Digital World and Look Forward to the Intelligent Future" CCF CAD&CG seminar was held at the Hefei University of Technology and started at 7pm.The seminar was conducted using the bilibili live broadcast platformandthe Tencent conference. Three active researches:Professor Hujun Bao, a recipient of the National Distinguished Young Scholar and Yangtze River Scholar awards from Zhejiang University, Professor Jianfei Cai, the head of the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligenceofthe Monash University, and Professor Ligang Liu, a recipient of the National Distinguished Young Scholar award from the University of Science and Technology of China were invited and together presented wonderful academic reports to the teachers and students of our school. Prof. Xiaoping Liu, Prof. Jieqing Tan and Prof. Liping Zheng of the Hefei University of Technology are the special guests and moderators.

At the beginning of the meeting, the executive chair of the symposium Professor Li Zhang, and Associate Professor Juyong Zhang briefed the preparation and organization of the symposium, and introduced all experts. Prof. Xiaoping Liu next delivered a welcome speech, where he warmly welcomed all experts and introduced the first invited speaker, Prof. Hujun Bao from Zhejiang University. In histalk “Augmented Reality Technology and Platform for Cloud Collaboration”, Prof. Bao made a comprehensive presentation with lots of interesting videos, sharing the research progress made by his team in recent years and the AR cloud platform developed.
Prof. Jieqing Tan hosted the second lecture and introduced the academic resume of the guest speaker Prof. Jianfei Cai from the Monash University. Prof. Cai focused on how to deal with deep learning-based 3D face analysis tasks under limited tags, and introduced a series of work progress in recent years.
Prof. Liping Zheng hosted the third lecture and introduced the academic resume of Prof. Ligang Liu, the invited speaker from the University of Science and Technology of China. Prof. Liu reviewed the latest progress and a series of works on how to generate high quality surfaces with low distortion and no overturning.
Following each speaker's report, there was a Q&A session. The three speakers answered the raised questions in detail. The live broadcast room maintained a larger number of participants during the whole event, with a peak of more than 6000 persons online at the same time.
At the end of the symposium, Prof. Jieqing Tan delivered a closing speech. He thanked the three speakers for their academic sharing from their respective research fields. He added, the given talks were wonderful, rich in content and novel in form, vividly echo the theme of the seminar "Dig into the Digital World and Look Forward to the Intelligent Future".
The seminar was around the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, and also right before the 75th anniversary of our university, as such, it is not only a long-awaited academic feast, but also one of the best gifts for our university.